Homeco Energy, carrying out Community Energy Projects for you and your community

At Homeco Energy we are actively seeking housing associations and community energy groups to help advise and manage projects for the refurbishment of their current social housing stock. 
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Basic principle of Solar PV diagram

Our current community groups include the Sheffield Renewables Energy group and the Hayfield Sustainable Energy Group. 

The ECO scheme is aimed at helping housing associations to fund the refurbishment of their current stock of housing, whilst giving them the opportunity to meet their social and environmental responsibilities. The end result is to help the UK meet its carbon emissions reduction targets whilst helping their tenants move out of fuel poverty.

As a Green Deal approved contractor we will also help any community group or housing association to understand the benefits of this scheme whilst managing surveys, applications and installations of their chosen technology or energy saving service.

Our MCS standard opens the door for schools and community funding by way of grants offered by the Low Carbon Buildings Programme for public bodies and charitable organisations.

Additional grants are also available for not-for-profit and community based organisations through the Community Sustainable Energy Programme (CSEP). The CSEP are actively looking for applications from Yorkshire and the Northern Regions as current applicants tend to be South East based.

These are ideal funding vehicles for helping to install renewable energy systems within your school or community project.

Solar Energy for schools programme

We are delighted to be able to announce the launch of our new 'Homeco Energy For Schools Programme', making it easy for schools to benefit from solar energy.

The scheme offers the chance for a limited number of schools to benefit by having a solar photovoltaic (PV) system installed with no costs to the school whatsoever.

Solar Energy in the community

Homeco Energy is proud to support projects within the local community. Solar PV installations are not only a great way of cutting your group's energy costs, but they can also help raise money and strengthen income streams over the medium to long term for your community group. Talk to us to see how a Homeco Energy Solar PV system could benefit your group.
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We are happy to install solar panels for social housing throughout the are. contact Homeco Energy of Sheffield today.
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